Cherry Smoothie Recipe –
Healthy Dessert Milkshake

cherry smoothie - healthy frozen dessert milkshake

This cherry smoothie recipe rocks my world!

I usually don't eat much in the way of dessert.

My dessert generally consists of a piece of fruit, or sometimes a square of dark chocolate.

I like to keep things simple while still satisfying my sweet tooth.

But sometimes I crave something a little fancier, a little more decadent… without sacrificing my healthy eating plan, of course.

This cherry smoothie recipe is perfect for those nights… It's super easy to make, cheap and diet friendly, all while tasting like something you might get at a place like Dairy Queen.

It's my idea of a healthy dessert!

Cherry Smoothie Recipe

2/3 cup cherries (see note below about the pits)

One banana

1/4 cup chocolate almond milk

1 teaspoon chocolate protein powder (I like vegan brown rice protein powder)

1/2 cup ice

How to Make This Smoothie

1. Add all ingredients to the blender in the order listed above.

A note about the cherry pits: Please be sure to remove the cherry pits.  Cherry pits contain a toxic chemical that is especially dangerous when ground up.

I removed the pits by cutting the cherries off of the pits with a knife.

Yes it was a little bit tedious, and I wouldn't do this first thing in the morning. But for an after-dinner dessert smoothie, it's well worth the extra effort :-)

2. Blend until completely smooth.

3. Do a quick taste test with a spoon, to see how you like the texture.

I made it with ice cream, not peanut butter. It came out a little bit on the liquidy side.

Normally I like my smoothies more icy, less liquidy, but this one turned out just fine.

Do your own taste test, then add a little more ice or more fruit or more liquid as needed per your own preferences.

Makes 2 cups (one serving)


This cherry smoothie came out absolutely delicious!

It completely hit the spot as a low calorie healthy and satisfying frozen dessert option.

And it was so easy to make!

I'm usually not at ice cream person… I hardly ever eat ice cream at all anymore. So friends and family would be shocked to see me adding ice cream to my smoothie recipes.

But occasionally it's fun to indulge just a little bit… And I always say it's better to indulge in small ways and keep your sweet tooth happy and satisfied, to avoid blowing it in big ways.

Variations to This Cherry Smoothie Recipe

For me this cherry smoothie came out perfect just the way it is in the recipe.

But maybe you’re looking for something a little different?

Here are some common remedies:

1. I want a true dessert… This looks too healthy!

It's easy to make this cherry smoothie recipe less healthy. You can use regular chocolate milk instead of chocolate almond milk. You can skip the chocolate protein powder and add something else like chocolate chips or chocolate syrup instead. And you can always add more ice cream to make it more like a true indulgent milkshake… abandoning any thoughts of health whatsoever.

If this is you, don't feel guilty. There's nothing wrong with enjoying a true dessert sometimes. Since you're making it at home, you know exactly what's going into it…including fresh fruit. You have complete control, and there's no mystery involved… unlike when you order a restaurant milkshake.

2. I want a healthy cherry smoothie, not a dessert smoothie.

It's just as simple to make this cherry smoothie recipe healthier. Forget the ice cream. Consider adding yogurt instead for texture or a nut butter like peanut butter or almond butter.

Add a full tablespoon of protein powder instead of just 1 teaspoon, so you get your full serving of protein. You can also add more fruit, and consider adding cacao powder to get more antioxidants with a raw chocolate flavor.

3. What's this almond milk business? I don't know what that is or where to find it...

Almond milk is simply one of the most delicious creations ever! I love adding almond milk to my smoothies.

Read more about almond milk at my almond milk page. You can find almond milk in most health food stores, such as Trader Joe's, sprouts, etc. as well as in some regular grocery stores in the USA.

If you don't have chocolate almond milk available, the smoothie tastes just as good with chocolate soy milk or chocolate dairy milk, whichever you prefer.

More Questions?

Do you have another question that I didn't answer above?

Or maybe you have another idea for a variation on this cherry smoothie recipe?

Please feel free to leave a comment or question in the box below...I read every question and look at his response back to you as soon as possible :-)

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